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  1. Who else is ADDICTED to Kianna? It\'s so over!!! She\'s ancient please retire Прокомментировал: Who else is ADDICTED to Kianna?
  2. From 10-10 how good do you think this nut felt Of what loading off to his Great-Great Grandma Прокомментировал: From 10-10 how good do you think this nut felt
  3. What a helpful nurse Its the other way around, she needs a nurse. Прокомментировал: What a helpful nurse
  4. Big fat mommy tits All I can say is thank God for airbrush makeup without it; well it\'s scary 😲 Прокомментировал: Big fat mommy tits
  5. Who’s first? Let her retire for all of us. Throw in the yellow, crusty towel!!! Прокомментировал: Who’s first?
  6. Just a normal day for her What is this senior citizen\'s finest hour 🤢 Прокомментировал: Just a normal day for her
  7. Don’t ever stop You should really consider quitting escorting all together. RETIRE PLEASE!!! Прокомментировал: Don’t ever stop
  8. Porno mommy is waiting Porno mommy more like porno Great-Great Grandma Прокомментировал: Porno mommy is waiting
  9. ☘️☘️☘️ The only time she looks decent is when she\'s airbrushed. Tear her contract and make her retire she\'s done!!! Прокомментировал: ☘️☘️☘️
  10. New Evil Angel scene! You\'re new movie was literally awful, all the facial shots look fake!!! Do us and yourself a favor and just retire alre Прокомментировал: New Evil Angel scene!
  11. Colorful facials - porn art YOU SHOULD LITERALLY THROW IN THE TOWEL! DO US ALL A FAVOR AND RETIRE ALSO YOU SHOULD JUST QUIT ESCORTING ALL TOGETHER! Прокомментировал: Colorful facials - porn art
  12. Feliz Año Nuevo Ava, will you be my woman 🌹🖤🥰 Прокомментировал: Feliz Año Nuevo
  13. MILF Monday You\'re absolutely breathtaking and I would love to meet you and spend a whole day with you. Прокомментировал: MILF Monday
  14. Compliments to the chef🍕 I love the way you look when you wear your glasses 🤓, you\'re so sexy, your accent is so mesmerizing. Прокомментировал: Compliments to the chef🍕
  15. Dolly Parton I could never get tired of hearing Ms. Parton and I would love to spend a day with her. Прокомментировал: Dolly Parton