Frequently Asked Questions features
Yes, is completely FREE. However we are displaying advertisements on the site, to cover the operating costs. Besides this, we are offering ad-free experience for our logged in users.
Is my profile public for everybody on the internet?
Yes, it is public. Everybody can see your profile page with your favourites, uploads, upload stats and profile description. However we still not giving out your personal data to anybody.
*Uploads can be flagged as private, which means they are visible only to logged-in members.
Where can I find the images which I favorited before?
After logging in, please navigate to your profile by clicking on your username in the Header. Your favourites will be visible on the top of your profile page. Your profile is also accessible by clicking on the heart icon in the Header or on the top of the Hamburger menu.
What is the purpose of "Star Rating" below the pictures ?
We are encouraging you to rate our pictures! We use this data to provide better search results, moreover you can see the best rated pictures on the home page`s "Last Week`s Top Rated" section.
What happens if I click on the Like icon , below a picture?
The main purpose is to save the picture to enjoy it later. You can view all of your liked pictures on your profile. Besides this it helps us to show toplists on the Home page.
Picture Upload
Can I upload my best pictures ?
Yes! Please sign up and log in first. We require 1 day grace period after your signup, after this you are free to share your pictures. Following a successfully submitted upload form, it will be visible on our website, after a quick review of our Team. You can view or remove your pictures anytime on your Profile. More info.
What are the technical requirements?
The minimum dimensions of the picture have to be 500x500 pixels. The approved formats are JPG, WEBP, PNG and GIF! The maximum file size is 8MB.
Who can see my uploads ?
By default, all of the uploaded pictures are public on the internet, so everybody can see them (including Google!). However, you have the option to flag your uploads as private, which makes them visible only to logged-in members. Please note that it might take up to 30 minutes for all changes to take effect.
What does the lock icon over my uploads in my profile signify?
If you "lock" an upload, it means it will only be visible to logged-in members. You can enable this privacy feature during the upload process or later in your profile.
Can you guarantee the presence of my uploads?
No, we cannot. We preserve the rights to remove your uploads in case of violating our Terms and Conditions. Also, your uploads can become unavailable in case of technical issues.
What are the moderation rules?
You can read the explanation of the main moderation rules in our Terms and Conditions (in English).
Where are my uploaded images hosted?
After you submitted the upload form, your picture will be hosted on our internal object storage, so your picture wont be listed on other websites.
I accidentally uploaded something, can you remove it?
It is much more faster if you go to your profile and remove it for yourself. Please hover your mouse over your picture on your dashboard, and click on the delete icon.
Do you still keep storing my deleted upload somewhere?
Good question. As you might read previously, when you submit a picture, it will be stored on our own storage server. When you remove your picture on your dashboard, it will be automatically removed from our servers. However we keep a database record about it, as we are obligated by the law to do so.
Can I check how many people have seen my uploads ?
Sure! Just visit your profile and scroll down to the Stats for Uploads section.
Can you remove that picture?
Yes, we can! Please use the Report Image link just below the problematic image. We take it down in a few hours, if you can properly describe why we should do so.
Who does hosting the content ?
NOT US! We are not making a secret about that we are aggregating our content from with the help of AI. You can check the exact source of the image by clicking on the Report link just below the picture. We are using the domain as image processing services, thus it still does not host any content. You can see the list of the domains connected to our website and our services here.
I want my personal data to be deleted right now!
At your service! Just contact us here, and we remove your profile and your data from our databases.
Why do you need my e-mail address during registration?
We DON`T send any newsletters or SPAM!!! We need it to notify you about important activities, like comments on your profile. However you can ask us to disable this feature for you.
Who can visit this website?
Our website is strictly for adult people (18+ or 21+ in some countries).
Other Questions and Answers
Is this a safe porn site?
Absolutely. We handle your data according to our strict Privacy Policy. Our customer support is eager to help you with any of your questions or requests at any time.
Can I send my feedback about the site?
We are working hard to improve We wake up with it every morning, and go to bed with it every evening. So yes, we are glad to talk about ideas, requests, comments, even criticism. Please use our contact form.
What is Rule 34?
Rule 34 is the ultimate rule in the online adult industry. It means: if it exists, then you can find porn with it.
You can read more about our website on the following links: